For immediate release | Criminals in Haiti, Canada in Haïti, USA in Haïti
Canada and the United States are allied to paramilitary criminals in Haiti
The illegal regime supported by Canada and the USA in Haiti is allied with paramilitary criminals. Their weapons come from the country of Joe Biden.
Solidarité Québec Haïti (SQH) and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI) recall that Parti Haïtien Tèt Kale (PHTK) of former illegal president Michel Martelly and his associate Ariel Henry is a terrorist organization established and maintained in power by the principal authors of the February 2004 coup d’etat, namely: The United States, France and Canada.
SQH and CFPI denounce the arsonist powers who set fire to Haiti and who would like, today, to take on the role of firefighter, via yet another imperialist invasion. This only aims to protect criminals linked to the PHTK, counter the forced migration of a terrorized and impoverished black population seeking refuge in North America, while reinforcing the foreign occupation of Haiti as well as an abject, now Centenary, regime of socio-economic apartheid for the benefit of corrupt oligarch families who are historical allies of neocolonial powers.
The Government of Canada opted to draw a list of individuals it hits with invisible sanctions, among these: Abdallah, Deeb, Bigio, Martelly, Lamothe, Célestin, Latortue, Lambert, Fourcand and other barons associated with the PHTK terrorist regime. SQH and CFPI support the demand for effective arrest, trial and imprisonment of all crooked oligarchs and politicians that US imperialism forcibly installed in Haiti.
The normalization of Canadian government relations with the Haitian nation requires, among other steps:
- Stop sending weapons of war to the illegal regime of Ariel Henry which is linked to criminal paramilitaries (PHTK, G9 an fanmi e alye).
- Support efforts by the People of Haiti to obtain long overdue reparations from countries that took part in the brutal and disastrous overthrow of the Haitian State (February 2004), followed by contagion of the population by cholera (October 2010).
- Canada’s immediate withdrawal from the neo-colonial club called the Core Group, signaling a sincere desire to repatriate Canadian foreign policy which for far too long has been subordinated to the hegemonic interests of US elites.
- Respect genuine justice and peace processes and initiatives, undertaken sovereignly by Haitian society.
Justice, dignity and reparations for Haiti!
– March 20, 2023 –
Solidarité Québec-Haïti
Facebook & Twitter : Solidarité Québec-Haïti
Email: solidaritekebekayiti@gmail.com
Canadian Institute of Foreign Policy
Facebook & Twitter: Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
Email: info@foreignpolicy.ca
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